Wednesday 1 August 2012

How to access Gmail with no internet connection using Google Chrome

Step-by-Step Instructions

· Offline Google Mail is a browser application that requires Google Chrome to function. It works in conjunction with Google Chrome to keep a safe, local copy of your Gmail messages, so that you do not need to go online to access them. If you are not already using this groundbreaking, heavily customizable browser, you can download it using the related download link for this article.

· Once Google Chrome is up and running, access the download page for Offline Google Mail. Click the Add to Chrome button and allow the application access to your Gmail account and browser data, which is required for the application to function.

· Once Offline Google Mail has been installed, you can access it from your new tab page in Google Chrome. Simply open a new tab in Chrome and click the Offline Google Mail icon. You may be required to log into your Gmail account at this point, if you are not already.

· A message appears confirming that you want to allow offline mail, and that you should not do this from a public or shared computer. Click Allow Offline Mail and then Continue if you want to proceed.

· Once Offline Google Mail launches, it will begin downloading your Gmail messages locally. Your messages soon become available within its interface, which is based on the tablet version of Gmail.

· Click the gear icon in the top right hand corner of the Offline Google Mail interface to access the settings. Here, you can set the date range of emails that are downloaded. The default is one week of messages, but you can choose 2 weeks or 1 month.

· To reply to a message, click the header in the left hand panel to view it in the main window. Scroll to the bottom of the message and click the Reply button.

· Type your response and click Send. If you are online, the message is sent immediately. If you are offline, it is queued up for the next time an internet connection becomes available.

Tips & Advice

· You can also search your messages in Offline Google Mail. Click the search field at the top left hand side of the Offline Google Mail interface and enter a phrase or person's name. Hit Enter or click the magnifying glass, and a list of matches are displayed in the left hand pane. Click any of the messages to view the entire message within the main window.

· To remove Offline Google Mail from your system, open a new tab and right click the blue Offline Google Mail icon. Choose Remove from Chrome and then confirm the action

How To Stop YouTube Videos from Playing Automatically using TubeStop

Step-by-Step Instructions

TubeStop is a browser extension that requires either Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox to operate. It works by slightly modifying the way YouTube works whenever a page containing embedded video is loaded. If you are not already using one of these excellent, extendable browsers to surf the web, you can download either (or both) using the related download links for this article.

Once you are up and running with either Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome, access the download page for TubeStop. This is different depending on which browser you are using. TubeStop for Google Chrome , TubeStop for Mozilla Firefox.

· When viewing the relevant browser download page for TubeStop, click either Add to Chrome (for Google Chrome users) or Download Now (for Mozilla Firefox users). On both browsers, you will then have to confirm installation of the extension software, so click the necessary OK option when prompted. Mozilla Firefox must be restarted after TubeStop has been installed.

· Next, access YouTube using the normal address ( or via a browser favourite.

· Select a video to watch using the search field, or pick a random video from the offerings presented on the YouTube landing page.

· Clicking any video link in YouTube opens the page where that clip is embedded in the player. Normally, the clip starts loading and will play automatically when it has enough of the clip loaded. With TubeStop, however, the behaviour changes - instead of the video starting automatically, you will now see a "Click to play, courtesy of TubeStop" link in the middle of the player. So you can now get settled in and comfortable and decide for yourself when you want the clip to begin. Most importantly - you can also make any adjustments to the volume during this time.

Tips & Advice

TubeStop also has a welcome side effect - users have reported that it prevents annoying ads from playing in YouTube before your video begins. That's two annoyances fixed in one free browser extension!

You Don’t Know Anything About Regular Expressions: A Complete Guide

Regular expressions can be scary…really scary. Fortunately, once you memorize what each symbol represents, the fear quickly subsides. If you fit the title of this article, there’s much to learn! Let’s get started.

Section 1: Learning the Basics

The key to learning how to effectively use regular expressions is to just take a day and memorize all of the symbols. This is the best advice I can possibly offer. Sit down, create some flash cards, and just memorize them! Here are the most common:

. – Matches any character, except for line breaks if dotall is false.

* – Matches 0 or more of the preceding character.

+ – Matches 1 or more of the preceding character.

? – Preceding character is optional. Matches 0 or 1 occurrence.

\d – Matches any single digit

\w – Matches any word character (alphanumeric & underscore).

[XYZ] – Matches any single character from the character class.

[XYZ]+ – Matches one or more of any of the characters in the set.

$ – Matches the end of the string.

^ – Matches the beginning of a string.

[^a-z] – When inside of a character class, the ^ means NOT; in this case, match anything that is NOT a lowercase letter.

There are many tools available in market with the help of which you can automatically create regular expressions and of course not forcing you to scratch your head. I have mentioned some of the common tools that i have used.

RegExr Desktop app is essential, and is really quite fun to fool around with. In addition to real-time checking, it also offers a sidebar which details the definition and usage of every symbol. Download it!.

An Introduction to Cookies

You might have heard about cookies, but what exactly are they and what can we actually do with them? In this tutorial, we will focus on the basics of cookies, and learn about their functionality in various web application and site environments.

Step 1. Understanding Cookies


You can most easily think of cookies as text files, which are saved to your computer. On the request of a web server, your browser creates such a file. After this happens, the webserver can read and write content from and to this file. Although this seems like a dangerous feature – after all, no one likes other people writing files to their computer, there are a few restrictions in place to make this process as safe as possible.
  • Web servers can only access cookies which are set to their own domain. This domain is set by the browser when a new cookie is requested by the web server, and can only be the domain or a subdomain of the web server (the web server can choose a subdomain if it wants to). This means that cookies which were set by, for example, can’t be read by, and vice versa.
  • According to the HTTP protocol, cookies can’t be larger than 4096 Bytes (4 KB) each.
  • There is a limit to the number of cookies per domain. The number differs per browser, however, the generally used limit is twenty cookies. This is to prevent a single domain from hogging the disk space of the client.
  • There is a limit to the total number of cookies on the client’s hard drive. This number also differs per browser, but is usually limited to around three hundred cookies. When this number is exceeded, an older cookie is deleted before a new one is created.
Cookies have an expiration date. This date is set so the browser can delete old cookies when they are no longer needed by the webserver. If the expiration date is empty, the cookie will be deleted when the connection with the server is closed. This occurs when the site’s window or tab is closed by the user, or when the user closes the entire browser. These cookies, sometimes called session cookies, are mostly used for storing temporary settings.


Let’s find out what these things look like on a technical level. Cookies are transferred via the HTTP protocol. This is the protocol used by browsers to retrieve and send files to the server. After a cookie has been requested, it is sent to the server every time a new item on the web page is fetched by the browser. Below, we can see a snippet of a server requesting a new cookie (this snippet is a part of a HTTP response).
Set-Cookie:Name =content data; expires=Fri, 31-Dec-2010 23:59:59 GMT; path=/;  
Now don’t get scared, it’s all very understandable!
  • Set-Cookie: is to let the browser know that the server would like to create a new cookie.
  • Name is the name of the cookie. Each cookie in a domain must have a different name, so the browser can keep all the cookies apart. After the name comes the =content data where ‘content data’ is the data which is to be contained in the cookie. This data can be a text string or a number, and, as said, can be up to 4KB in size.
  • expires= is the command for the expiration date. The expiration date is in the “Wdy, DD-Mon-YYYY HH:MM:SS GMT” format (Don’t ask me why it was defined to this ridiculous format, because I don’t know either. No user ever sees the expiration date, so why waste memory, hard disc space, and bandwidth on long dates?). Don’t worry about it though, because most programming languages have easy to use functions available to you. The browser automatically deletes cookies with an expiration date in the past.
  • The domain and path require some deeper explanation. The domain is the domain in which the cookie will be active. If the domain is ‘,’ the cookie will only be sent to the server of that domain, and if the domain is ‘,’ the cookie will be sent to any server of any of the subdomains of Google, including itself.
  • The path is the path of the domain to which the cookie is sent. This means that, if the path is set to ‘/images/,’ and the domain is set to ‘,’ the cookie will only be sent to the server if the browser requests a file from ‘’. If the path is set to ‘/’, the cookie will be sent to the server regardless of the location of the requested file on the server.

Here you go. I think this article will help you out in understanding basic information about cookies.Soon i will be providing some steps for the creation of cookies so till then hang on guys. 
All the Best